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EMAX Tinyhawk S 0802 15500kv borstfri motor (1)

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FPV Race-motorer
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kr 156,-
ArtikelID: 45638, Produktnr: motor-0802-15500kv
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EMAX Tinyhawk S 0802 15500kv borstfri motor (1)
PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Statorn8Mm x 2mm (0802)
Antal celler LiPo1-2S
Product details in english
Replacement OEM Brushless motor for Tinyhawk S.

Tinyhawk S 0802 Brushless motor was updated from the original 08025 to be lighter weight and give greater performance. Giving the Tinyhawk S more control and lighter overall weight. This resulted in better flight characteristics and a more efficient system, while also giving better flight times by 20% depending on flight feel and use.

This motor is great for the Tinyhawk S and can also be used to upgrade the original Tinyhawk for similar performance.

Motor is capable of use for 1-2 LiPo operation.

  • Tinyhawk S
  • Tinyhawk RTF
  • Tinyhawk
  • Specifications:
  • Stator: 8mm x 2mm (0802)
  • Kv: 15500kv
  • Weight: 2.2g
  • Bearing Size: 1.5 x 4 x2mm
  • Shaft Diameter: 1.5mm
  • Propeller Mount: Press Fit Over Bell
  • Mer info på engelska
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