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AR330339 Shock Piston Set (1 pair)

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kr 116,-
ArtikelID: 46944, Produktnr: AR330339
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AR330339 Shock Piston Set (1 pair)
Product details in english
Strong and durable composite material for long-lasting performance and consistent shock action in all conditions - Various shock piston hole configurations for fast and easy shock action adjustments - Blank pistons included for custom drilling of hole configuration and size

Pistons supplied in this set:
6 hole x 1.2mm
6 hole x 1.3mm
6 hole x 1.4mm
Blank pistons for custom hole drilling

2 x 6 hole 1.2mm pistons
2 x 6 hole 1.3mm pistons
2 x 6 hole 1.4mm pistons
2 x blank pistons
2 x shock O-ring spacers
2 x shock bottom cap guides
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