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Artesania Latina - Santa Maria

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kr 1.560,-
ArtikelID: 55364, Produktnr: 22411N
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Skala 1:65
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Santa Maria, tillsammans med Pinta och Nina, är känd över hela världen för sitt deltagande i Columbus upptäckt av "Nya världen" den 12 oktober 1492. På julafton samma år slogs den utanför Haitis kust och dess timmer var då används för att bygga Fort Navidad. den första europeiska kolonin.

Rekommenderade tillbehör

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PS! Produkttexten är maskinöversatt från norska.

Längd503 Mm
Bredd264 Mm
Höjd498 Mm
Product details in english
Yes, it is possibly the most important ship in history because it was the one where Christopher Columbus was when he discovered America at the end of the fifteenth century, specifically, in 1492. Santa Maria Nao, wrongly called caravel -the other smaller two boats were really caravels, La Niña and La Pinta-, although the three ships were considered caravels in the original documents. In the beginning, Santa Maria?s name was La Gallega, whose owner was Juan de la Cosa.

The adventure began not to discover a new continent, but to find a new safe route to the Pacific Ocean. His first stop was in the Canary Islands, specifically, in La Gomera in order to collect more supplies and fix the damages that the nao could have, built with wood from Cantabria.

In October 12th, after several crew riots a few day, the cabin boy Rodrigo de Triana spotted land: first they arrived at Guanahani Island, which they called San Salvador, in the Bahamas archipelago, until it reached another one that he named La Española -currently, Haiti-, which did bring Santa Maria "tomb". During the night of December 24th, the nao remained stranded because of a sandbank due to a malpractice of the lookout man. Immediate consequence? The coral reefs destroyed the hull of the boat, the crew had to climb on La Niña. In this sense, it was rumored that Columbus was interested in that sinking to return since they had not found gold in bulk, trying to deceive the Catholic Kings in order to return to Castile. Finally, with the materials that were left of the sinister Santa Maria nao, they lifted the Christmas Fort with palisade, the first European in the New Continent.

Then, yes, Columbus returned to the Iberian Peninsula with La Pinta and La Niña, to later return to America, where he ran into the death of the forty colones he had left. Why? It seems that the Indians did it to punish them for having stolen their food and their women. Surprisingly for the time, Columbus did not penalize the natives leader, but allowed other abuses, while Isabel La Católica forbade the punishments to be carried out, but she was not given much attention.
Mer info på engelska

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China copy
Användaren har endast angett betyg
07.01.2024 av Sebastian B.
This model contains wood that is impossible to bend even if it has been in warm water over 24 hours, it turns out it is made of basswood, made for carving not bending. Many dimensions on parts are completely wrong. Thread is said to be 0,5 mm but truth is 0,9 mm that should fit a metal hole that is 0,6 mm. Model is made in China (Hong Kong) that explains much. I do not recommend this to anyone. This is just a bad product, no error by Elefun but the manufacturer Artesania Latina are worthless model sellers, cause they do not make any models themself they make them in China, land of the pirate copies.

[EDIT: Elefun 08.01.2024]
Hei. Dine problemer med å bøye materialet skyldes nok at du benytter feil teknikk. Benytt litt vann og en elektrisk plankebøyer slik som Artesania viser i sine Tutorial-videoer, så skal det ikke være noe problem. Har du mottatt deler som har feil mål må du ta kontakt, så hjelper vi deg. Det er ytterst sjeldent vi opplever dette.

Videre stemmer det at produksjonen foregår på Artesanias fabrikk i Kina: Artesania Latina is one of the very few brands in our industry to really have our own manufacturing facility, created by my father in the year 2000. Our kits are made by us with components coming from different countries like Spain, Italy, the USA, China, Russia and Japan. There are not many wooden kits manufacturers able to include such a variety of materials, all selected with the highest quality in a medium price model like the Santa Maria 22411N.
Detta hjälpte mig
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