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Carrera Wireless Speed Controller Digital 132/124

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kr 695,-
ArtikelID: 56209, Produktnr: 20010111
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1st trådlös handkontroll för Carrera Digital 124 & Digital 132. Måste användas på digital bana med trådlös mottagarenhet.

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Product details in english
No more cable spaghetti! The Carrera WIRELESS+ wireless technology makes it possible
The wireless 2.4 GHz WIRELESS+ speed controller provides greater freedom of movement during the battle on your slot car race track. Its lightweight construction is a real advantage during wild chases, as your hands are not burdened with unnecessary weight, meaning that your full concentration can be dedicated to operating the controller with precision to deliver optimum driving performance. So that up to 6 drivers can compete against each other within the same environment without any interference, the radio transmission runs on a frequency-independent basis by using frequency hopping via 2.4 GHz. The controllers range of up to 15 metres is also impressive. Whether you are at a short distance from the race track or your track is so big that you lose sight of your speedster during the race in loops or steep curves ? the connection remains stable. Every Carrera fan knows how fast time flies when you are competing in exciting competitions. The battery can therefore last up to 8 hours in continuous operation. In addition to the 2.4 GHz WIRELESS+ Speed Controller, this product also includes a replacement button, a lithium polymer battery and operating instructions.
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Rekommenderade tillbehör

Carrera Trådlöst set Duo Digital 132/124
kr 1.849,-


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